Suite Imperatrice

Imperial Elegance Awaits You

30 m², private bathroom, free WiFi, access to all indoor spaces, garden à la française with pool.

Tue, Wed, Thu: 381 euros 339 euros
Fri, Sat, Sun: 420 euros 390 euros
Breakfast with local products included

Step into the luxurious embrace of the Suite Impératrice, where opulence meets comfort. This exquisitely decorated 30 m² chamber boasts a regal atmosphere with its richly adorned bed, elegant furnishings, and stunning views of the meticulously manicured French garden and shimmering pool. The suite harmonizes classic grandeur with modern amenities, ensuring a stay that is both indulgent and relaxing. Whether you are soaking in the ambiance of the room or exploring the serene surroundings, the Suite Impératrice promises an unforgettable experience at the Château de Berg.